
Setting up a development environment

If you want to hack on Fava or run the latest development version, make sure you have recent enough versions of the following installed (ideally with your system package manager):

  • Python 3 - with pip (at least v21.3), to install the Fava Python package,

  • Node.js - with npm, to install the Javascript dependencies,

  • tox - to run the Python tests,

  • pre-commit - to lint changes with a git pre-commit hook.

Then this will get you up and running:

git clone
cd fava
# setup a virtual environment (at .venv) and install Fava into it
# alternatively, run `make dev` to do these next two steps with `uv` instead
python -m venv .venv
pip install --editable .
# add a git pre-commit hook to run linters
pre-commit install

You can start Fava in the virtual environment as usual by running fava. Running in debug mode with fava --debug is useful for development.

You can run the tests with make test and the linters by running make lint. There are further make targets defined, see the Makefile for details. After any changes to the Javascript code, you will need to re-build the frontend, which you can do by running make. If you are working on the frontend code, running npm run dev in the frontend folder will watch for file changes and rebuild the Javascript bundle continuously.

If you need a newer version of Beancount than the latest released one, you can install from source like so (more details here):

pip install git+

Contributions are very welcome, just open a PR on GitHub.

Fava is released under the MIT License.