
Example plugins for filtering transactions.

These are various examples of how to filter entries in various creative ways.

IMPORTANT: These are not meant to be complete features, rather just experiments in problem-solving using Beancount, work-in-progress that can be selectively installed via a --plugin option, or one-offs to answer questions on the mailing-list.

A plugin of plugins which triggers are all the automatic and lax plugins.

In a sense, this is the inverse of "pedantic." This is useful when doing some types of quick and dirty tests. You can just import the "auto" plugin. Put that in a macro.

Also see: the 'pedantic' plugin.


This module automatically inserts Open directives for accounts not opened (at the date of the first entry) and automatically removes open directives for unused accounts. This can be used as a convenience for doing demos, or when setting up your initial transactions, as an intermediate step.

beancount.plugins.auto_accounts.auto_insert_open(entries, unused_options_map)

Insert implicitly defined prices from Transactions.

Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a list of errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def auto_insert_open(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Insert implicitly defined prices from Transactions.

    Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from
    postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized
    as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a
      list of errors.
    opened_accounts = {entry.account
                       for entry in entries
                       if isinstance(entry, data.Open)}

    new_entries = []
    accounts_first, _ = getters.get_accounts_use_map(entries)
    for index, (account, date_first_used) in enumerate(sorted(accounts_first.items())):
        if account not in opened_accounts:
            meta = data.new_metadata('<auto_accounts>', index)
            new_entries.append(data.Open(meta, date_first_used, account,
                                         None, None))

    if new_entries:
        new_entries = entries

    return new_entries, []


A plugin that automatically converts postings at price to postings held at cost, applying an automatic booking algorithm in assigning the cost bases and matching lots.

This plugin restricts itself to applying these transformations within a particular account, which you provide. For each of those accounts, it also requires a corresponding Income account to book the profit/loss of reducing lots (i.e., sales):

plugin "beancount.plugins.book_conversions" "Assets:Bitcoin,Income:Bitcoin"

Then, simply input the transactions with price conversion. We use "Bitcoins" in this example, converting Bitcoin purchases that were carried out as currency into maintaining these with cost basis, for tax reporting purposes:

2015-09-04 * "Buy some bitcoins"
  Assets:Bank          -1000.00 USD
  Assets:Bitcoin       4.333507 BTC @ 230.76 USD

2015-09-05 * "Buy some more bitcoins at a different price"
  Assets:Bank          -1000.00 USD
  Assets:Bitcoin       4.345747 BTC @ 230.11 USD

2015-09-20 * "Use (sell) some bitcoins"
  Assets:Bitcoin       -6.000000 BTC @ 230.50 USD

The result is that cost bases are inserted on augmenting lots:

2015-09-04 * "Buy some bitcoins"
  Assets:Bitcoin  4.333507 BTC {230.76 USD} @ 230.76 USD
  Assets:Bank     -1000.00 USD

2015-09-05 * "Buy some more bitcoins at a different price"
  Assets:Bitcoin  4.345747 BTC {230.11 USD} @ 230.11 USD
  Assets:Bank     -1000.00 USD

While on reducing lots, matching FIFO lots are automatically found and the corresponding cost basis added:

2015-09-20 * "Use (sell) some bitcoins"
  Assets:Bitcoin          -4.333507 BTC {230.76 USD} @ 230.50 USD
  Assets:Bitcoin          -1.666493 BTC {230.11 USD} @ 230.50 USD
  Income:Bitcoin         0.47677955 USD
  Expenses:Something  1383.00000000 USD

Note that multiple lots were required to fulfill the sale quantity here. As in this example, this may result in multiple lots being created for a single one.

Finally, Beancount will eventually support booking methods built-in, but this is a quick method that shows how to hack your own booking method via transformations of the postings that run in a plugin.

Implementation notes:

  • This code uses the FIFO method only for now. However, it would be very easy to customize it to provide other booking methods, e.g. LIFO, or otherwise. This will be added eventually, and I'm hoping to reuse the same inventory abstractions that will be used to implement the fallback booking methods from the booking proposal review (

  • Instead of keeping a list of (Position, Transaction) pairs for the pending FIFO lots, we really ought to use a beancount.core.inventory.Inventory instance. However, the class does not contain sufficient data to carry out FIFO booking at the moment. A newer implementation, living in the "booking" branch, does, and will be used in the future.

  • This code assumes that a positive number of units is an augmenting lot and a reducing one has a negative number of units, though we never call them that way on purpose (to eventually allow this code to handle short positions). This is not strictly true; however, we would need an Inventory in order to figrue this out. This will be done in the future and is not difficult to do.


This plugin was developed before the booking methods (FIFO, LIFO, and others) were fully implemented in Beancount. It was built to answer a question on the mailing-list about FIFO booking. You probably don't need to use them anymore. Always prefer to use the native syntax instead of this.

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.BookConversionError (tuple)

BookConversionError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.BookConversionError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.BookConversionError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of BookConversionError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.BookConversionError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.ConfigError (tuple)

ConfigError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.ConfigError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.ConfigError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of ConfigError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.ConfigError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.augment_inventory(pending_lots, posting, entry, eindex)

Add the lots from the given posting to the running inventory.

  • pending_lots – A list of pending ([number], Posting, Transaction) to be matched. The number is modified in-place, destructively.

  • posting – The posting whose position is to be added.

  • entry – The parent transaction.

  • eindex – The index of the parent transaction housing this posting.

  • A new posting with cost basis inserted to be added to a transformed transaction.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def augment_inventory(pending_lots, posting, entry, eindex):
    """Add the lots from the given posting to the running inventory.

      pending_lots: A list of pending ([number], Posting, Transaction) to be matched.
        The number is modified in-place, destructively.
      posting: The posting whose position is to be added.
      entry: The parent transaction.
      eindex: The index of the parent transaction housing this posting.
      A new posting with cost basis inserted to be added to a transformed transaction.
    number = posting.units.number
    new_posting = posting._replace(
    pending_lots.append(([number], new_posting, eindex))
    return new_posting

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.book_price_conversions(entries, assets_account, income_account)

Rewrite transactions to insert cost basis according to a booking method.

See module docstring for full details.

  • entries – A list of entry instances.

  • assets_account – An account string, the name of the account to process.

  • income_account – An account string, the name of the account to use for booking realized profit/loss.

  • A tuple of entries – A list of new, modified entries. errors: A list of errors generated by this plugin. matches: A list of (number, augmenting-posting, reducing-postings) for all matched lots.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def book_price_conversions(entries, assets_account, income_account):
    """Rewrite transactions to insert cost basis according to a booking method.

    See module docstring for full details.

      entries: A list of entry instances.
      assets_account: An account string, the name of the account to process.
      income_account: An account string, the name of the account to use for booking
        realized profit/loss.
      A tuple of
        entries: A list of new, modified entries.
        errors: A list of errors generated by this plugin.
        matches: A list of (number, augmenting-posting, reducing-postings) for all
          matched lots.
    # Pairs of (Position, Transaction) instances used to match augmenting
    # entries with reducing ones.
    pending_lots = []

    # A list of pairs of matching (augmenting, reducing) postings.
    all_matches = []

    new_entries = []
    errors = []
    for eindex, entry in enumerate(entries):

        # Figure out if this transaction has postings in Bitcoins without a cost.
        # The purpose of this plugin is to fixup those.
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction) and any(is_matching(posting, assets_account)
                                                       for posting in entry.postings):

            # Segregate the reducing lots, augmenting lots and other lots.
            augmenting, reducing, other = [], [], []
            for pindex, posting in enumerate(entry.postings):
                if is_matching(posting, assets_account):
                    out = augmenting if posting.units.number >= ZERO else reducing
                    out = other

            # We will create a replacement list of postings with costs filled
            # in, possibly more than the original list, to account for the
            # different lots.
            new_postings = []

            # Convert all the augmenting postings to cost basis.
            for posting in augmenting:
                new_postings.append(augment_inventory(pending_lots, posting, entry, eindex))

            # Then process reducing postings.
            if reducing:
                # Process all the reducing postings, booking them to matching lots.
                pnl = inventory.Inventory()
                for posting in reducing:
                    rpostings, matches, posting_pnl, new_errors = (
                        reduce_inventory(pending_lots, posting, eindex))
                    pnl.add_amount(amount.Amount(posting_pnl, posting.price.currency))

                # If some reducing lots were seen in this transaction, insert an
                # Income leg to absorb the P/L. We need to do this for each currency
                # which incurred P/L.
                if not pnl.is_empty():
                    for pos in pnl:
                        meta = data.new_metadata('<book_conversions>', 0)
                                         -pos.units, None,
                                         None, None, meta))

            # Third, add back all the other unrelated legs in.
            for posting in other:

            # Create a replacement entry.
            entry = entry._replace(postings=new_postings)


    # Add matching metadata to all matching postings.
    mod_matches = link_entries_with_metadata(new_entries, all_matches)

    # Resolve the indexes to their possibly modified Transaction instances.
    matches = [(data.TxnPosting(new_entries[aug_index], aug_posting),
                data.TxnPosting(new_entries[red_index], red_posting))
               for (aug_index, aug_posting), (red_index, red_posting) in mod_matches]

    return new_entries, errors, matches

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.book_price_conversions_plugin(entries, options_map, config)

Plugin that rewrites transactions to insert cost basis according to a booking method.

See book_price_conversions() for details.

  • entries – A list of entry instances.

  • options_map – A dict of options parsed from the file.

  • config – A string, in "<ACCOUNT1>,<ACCOUNT2>" format.

  • A tuple of entries – A list of new, modified entries. errors: A list of errors generated by this plugin.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def book_price_conversions_plugin(entries, options_map, config):
    """Plugin that rewrites transactions to insert cost basis according to a booking method.

    See book_price_conversions() for details.

      entries: A list of entry instances.
      options_map: A dict of options parsed from the file.
      config: A string, in "<ACCOUNT1>,<ACCOUNT2>" format.
      A tuple of
        entries: A list of new, modified entries.
        errors: A list of errors generated by this plugin.
    # The expected configuration is two account names, separated by whitespace.
    errors = []
        assets_account, income_account = re.split(r'[,; \t]', config)
        if not account.is_valid(assets_account) or not account.is_valid(income_account):
            raise ValueError("Invalid account string")
    except ValueError as exc:
                ('Invalid configuration: "{}": {}, skipping booking').format(config, exc),
        return entries, errors

    new_entries, errors, _ = book_price_conversions(entries, assets_account, income_account)
    return new_entries, errors


Find all the matching trades from the metadata attached to postings.

This inspects all the postings and pairs them up using the special metadata field that was added by this plugin when booking matching lots, and returns pairs of those postings.

  • entries – The list of directives to extract from.

  • A list of (number, augmenting-posting, reducing-posting).

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def extract_trades(entries):
    """Find all the matching trades from the metadata attached to postings.

    This inspects all the postings and pairs them up using the special metadata
    field that was added by this plugin when booking matching lots, and returns
    pairs of those postings.

      entries: The list of directives to extract from.
      A list of (number, augmenting-posting, reducing-posting).
    trade_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
        if not isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
        for posting in entry.postings:
            links_str = posting.meta.get(META, None)
            if links_str:
                links = links_str.split(',')
                for link in links:
                    trade_map[link].append((index, entry, posting))

    # Sort matches according to the index of the first entry, drop the index
    # used for doing this, and convert the objects to tuples..
    trades = [(data.TxnPosting(augmenting[1], augmenting[2]),
               data.TxnPosting(reducing[1], reducing[2]))
              for augmenting, reducing in sorted(trade_map.values())]

    # Sanity check.
    for matches in trades:
        assert len(matches) == 2

    return trades

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.is_matching(posting, account)

"Identify if the given posting is one to be booked.

  • posting – An instance of a Posting.

  • account – The account name configured.

  • A boolean, true if this posting is one that we should be adding a cost to.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def is_matching(posting, account):
    """"Identify if the given posting is one to be booked.

      posting: An instance of a Posting.
      account: The account name configured.
      A boolean, true if this posting is one that we should be adding a cost to.
    return (posting.account == account and
            posting.cost is None and
            posting.price is not None)

Modify the entries in-place to add matching links to postings.

  • entries – The list of entries to modify.

  • all_matches – A list of pairs of (augmenting-posting, reducing-posting).

  • A list of pairs of (index, Posting) for the new (augmenting, reducing) annotated postings.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def link_entries_with_metadata(entries, all_matches):
    """Modify the entries in-place to add matching links to postings.

      entries: The list of entries to modify.
      all_matches: A list of pairs of (augmenting-posting, reducing-posting).
      A list of pairs of (index, Posting) for the new (augmenting, reducing)
      annotated postings.
    # Allocate trade names and compute a map of posting to trade names.
    link_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for (aug_index, aug_posting), (red_index, red_posting) in all_matches:
        link = 'trade-{}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')[-1])

    # Modify the postings.
    postings_repl_map = {}
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            for index, posting in enumerate(entry.postings):
                links = link_map.pop(id(posting), None)
                if links:
                    new_posting = posting._replace(meta=posting.meta.copy())
                    new_posting.meta[META] = ','.join(links)
                    entry.postings[index] = new_posting
                    postings_repl_map[id(posting)] = new_posting

    # Just a sanity check.
    assert not link_map, "Internal error: not all matches found."

    # Return a list of the modified postings (mapping the old matches to the
    # newly created ones).
    return [((aug_index, postings_repl_map[id(aug_posting)]),
             (red_index, postings_repl_map[id(red_posting)]))
            for (aug_index, aug_posting), (red_index, red_posting) in all_matches]


Extract trades from metadata-annotated postings and report on them.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def main():
    """Extract trades from metadata-annotated postings and report on them.
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)-8s: %(message)s')
    parser = version.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__.strip())
    parser.add_argument('filename', help='Beancount input filename')

    oparser = parser.add_argument_group('Outputs')
    oparser.add_argument('-o', '--output', action='store',
                         help="Filename to output results to (default goes to stdout)")
    oparser.add_argument('-f', '--format', default='text',
                         choices=['text', 'csv'],
                         help="Output format to render to (text, csv)")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Load the input file.
    entries, errors, options_map = loader.load_file(args.filename)

    # Get the list of trades.
    trades = extract_trades(entries)

    # Produce a table of all the trades.
    columns = ('units currency cost_currency '
               'buy_date buy_price sell_date sell_price pnl').split()
    header = ['Units', 'Currency', 'Cost Currency',
              'Buy Date', 'Buy Price', 'Sell Date', 'Sell Price',
    body = []
    for aug, red in trades:
        units = -red.posting.units.number
        buy_price = aug.posting.price.number
        sell_price = red.posting.price.number
        pnl = (units * (sell_price - buy_price)).quantize(buy_price)
  , buy_price,
  , sell_price,
    trades_table = table.Table(columns, header, body)

    # Render the table as text or CSV.
    outfile = open(args.output, 'w') if args.output else sys.stdout
    table.render_table(trades_table, outfile, args.format)

beancount.plugins.book_conversions.reduce_inventory(pending_lots, posting, eindex)

Match a reducing posting against a list of lots (using FIFO order).

  • pending_lots – A list of pending ([number], Posting, Transaction) to be matched. The number is modified in-place, destructively.

  • posting – The posting whose position is to be added.

  • eindex – The index of the parent transaction housing this posting.

  • A tuple of postings – A list of new Posting instances corresponding to the given posting, that were booked to the current list of lots. matches: A list of pairs of (augmenting-posting, reducing-posting). pnl: A Decimal, the P/L incurred in reducing these lots. errors: A list of new errors generated in reducing these lots.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def reduce_inventory(pending_lots, posting, eindex):
    """Match a reducing posting against a list of lots (using FIFO order).

      pending_lots: A list of pending ([number], Posting, Transaction) to be matched.
        The number is modified in-place, destructively.
      posting: The posting whose position is to be added.
      eindex: The index of the parent transaction housing this posting.
      A tuple of
        postings: A list of new Posting instances corresponding to the given
          posting, that were booked to the current list of lots.
        matches: A list of pairs of (augmenting-posting, reducing-posting).
        pnl: A Decimal, the P/L incurred in reducing these lots.
        errors: A list of new errors generated in reducing these lots.
    new_postings = []
    matches = []
    pnl = ZERO
    errors = []

    match_number = -posting.units.number
    match_currency = posting.units.currency
    cost_currency = posting.price.currency
    while match_number != ZERO:

        # Find the first lot with matching currency.
        for fnumber, fposting, findex in pending_lots:
            funits = fposting.units
            fcost = fposting.cost
            if (funits.currency == match_currency and
                fcost and fcost.currency == cost_currency):
                assert fnumber[0] > ZERO, "Internal error, zero lot"
                          "Could not match position {}".format(posting), None))

        # Reduce the pending lots.
        number = min(match_number, fnumber[0])
        cost = fcost
        match_number -= number
        fnumber[0] -= number
        if fnumber[0] == ZERO:

        # Add a corresponding posting.
        rposting = posting._replace(
            units=amount.Amount(-number, posting.units.currency),

        # Update the P/L.
        pnl += number * (posting.price.number - cost.number)

        # Add to the list of matches.
        matches.append(((findex, fposting),
                        (eindex, rposting)))

    return new_postings, matches, pnl, errors


A plugin that ensures cost basis is preserved in unbooked transactions.

This is intended to be used in accounts using the "NONE" booking method, to manually ensure that the sum total of the cost basis of reducing legs matches the average of what's in the account inventory. This is a partial first step toward implementing the "AVERAGE" booking method. In other words, this plugins provides assertions that will constrain you to approximate what the "AVERAGE" booking method will do, manually, and not to leak too much cost basis through unmatching bookings without checks. (Note the contrived context here: Ideally the "NONE" booking method would simply not exist.)

beancount.plugins.check_average_cost.MatchBasisError (tuple)

MatchBasisError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.check_average_cost.MatchBasisError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.check_average_cost.MatchBasisError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of MatchBasisError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.check_average_cost.MatchBasisError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.check_average_cost.validate_average_cost(entries, options_map, config_str=None)

Check that reducing legs on unbooked postings are near the average cost basis.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • config_str – The configuration as a string version of a float.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_average_cost(entries, options_map, config_str=None):
    """Check that reducing legs on unbooked postings are near the average cost basis.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      config_str: The configuration as a string version of a float.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    # Initialize tolerance bounds.
    if config_str and config_str.strip():
        # pylint: disable=eval-used
        config_obj = eval(config_str, {}, {})
        if not isinstance(config_obj, float):
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid configuration for check_average_cost: "
                               "must be a float")
        tolerance = config_obj
        tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE
    min_tolerance = D(1 - tolerance)
    max_tolerance = D(1 + tolerance)

    errors = []
    ocmap = getters.get_account_open_close(entries)
    balances = collections.defaultdict(inventory.Inventory)
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, Transaction):
            for posting in entry.postings:
                dopen = ocmap.get(posting.account, None)
                # Only process accounts with a NONE booking value.
                if dopen and dopen[0] and dopen[0].booking == Booking.NONE:
                    balance = balances[(posting.account,
                                        posting.cost.currency if posting.cost else None)]
                    if posting.units.number < ZERO:
                        average = balance.average().get_only_position()
                        if average is not None:
                            number = average.cost.number
                            min_valid = number * min_tolerance
                            max_valid = number * max_tolerance
                            if not (min_valid <= posting.cost.number <= max_valid):
                                        ("Cost basis on reducing posting is too far from "
                                         "the average cost ({} vs. {})".format(
                                             posting.cost.number, average.cost.number)),
    return entries, errors


A plugin that automatically inserts a balance check on a tagged closing posting.

Some postings are known to the user to be "closing trades", which means that the resulting position of the instrument just after the trade should be zero. For instance, this is the case for most ordinary options trading, only one lot of a particular instrument is held, and eventually expires or gets sold off in its entirely. One would like to confirm that, and the way to do this in Beancount is to insert a balance check.

This plugin allows you to do that more simply, by inserting metadata. For example, this transaction:

2018-02-16 * "SOLD -14 QQQ 100 16 FEB 18 160 CALL @5.31"
  Assets:US:Brokerage:Main:Options     -1400 QQQ180216C160 {2.70 USD} @ 5.31 USD
    closing: TRUE
  Expenses:Financial:Commissions       17.45 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Fees               0.42 USD
  Assets:US:Brokerage:Main:Cash      7416.13 USD

Would expand into the following two directives:

2018-02-16 * "SOLD -14 QQQ 100 16 FEB 18 160 CALL @5.31"
  Assets:US:Brokerage:Main:Options     -1400 QQQ180216C160 {2.70 USD} @ 5.31 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Commissions       17.45 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Fees               0.42 USD
  Assets:US:Brokerage:Main:Cash      7416.13 USD

2018-02-17 balance Assets:US:Brokerage:Main:Options  0 QQQ180216C160

Insert the closing line when you know you're closing the position.

beancount.plugins.check_closing.check_closing(entries, options_map)

Expand 'closing' metadata to a zero balance check.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def check_closing(entries, options_map):
    """Expand 'closing' metadata to a zero balance check.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    new_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            for posting in entry.postings:
                if posting.meta and posting.meta.get('closing', False):
                    # Remove the metadata.
                    meta = posting.meta.copy()
                    del meta['closing']
                    entry = entry._replace(meta=meta)

                    # Insert a balance.
                    date = + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                    balance = data.Balance(data.new_metadata("<check_closing>", 0),
                                           date, posting.account,
                                           amount.Amount(ZERO, posting.units.currency),
                                           None, None)
    return new_entries, []


A plugin that verifies that all seen commodities have a Commodity directive.

This is useful if you're a bit pedantic and like to make sure that you're declared attributes for each of the commodities you use. It's useful if you use the portfolio export, for example.

beancount.plugins.check_commodity.CheckCommodityError (tuple)

CheckCommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.check_commodity.CheckCommodityError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.check_commodity.CheckCommodityError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of CheckCommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.check_commodity.CheckCommodityError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.check_commodity.validate_commodity_directives(entries, options_map)

Find all commodities used and ensure they have a corresponding Commodity directive.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_commodity_directives(entries, options_map):
    """Find all commodities used and ensure they have a corresponding Commodity directive.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    commodities_used = options_map['commodities']
    errors = []

    meta = data.new_metadata('<check_commodity>', 0)

    commodity_map = getters.get_commodity_map(entries, create_missing=False)
    for currency in commodities_used:
        commodity_entry = commodity_map.get(currency, None)
        if commodity_entry is None:
                    "Missing Commodity directive for '{}'".format(currency),

    return entries, errors


This plugin validates that currencies held at cost aren't ever converted at price and vice-versa. This is usually the case, and using it will prevent users from making the mistake of selling a lot without specifying it via its cost basis.

beancount.plugins.coherent_cost.CoherentCostError (tuple)

CoherentCostError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.coherent_cost.CoherentCostError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.coherent_cost.CoherentCostError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of CoherentCostError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.coherent_cost.CoherentCostError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.coherent_cost.validate_coherent_cost(entries, unused_options_map)

Check that all currencies are either used at cost or not at all, but never both.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_coherent_cost(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Check that all currencies are either used at cost or not at all, but never both.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    errors = []

    with_cost = {}
    without_cost = {}
    for entry in data.filter_txns(entries):
        for posting in entry.postings:
            target_set = without_cost if posting.cost is None else with_cost
            currency = posting.units.currency
            target_set.setdefault(currency, entry)

    for currency in set(with_cost) & set(without_cost):
                "Currency '{}' is used both with and without cost".format(currency),
        # Note: We really ought to include both of the first transactions here.

    return entries, errors


A plugin that asserts that all Commodity directives have a particular attribute and that it is part of a set of enum values.

The configuration must be a mapping of attribute name to list of valid values, like this:

plugin "beancount.plugins.commodity_attr" "{
  'sector': ['Technology', 'Financials', 'Energy'],
  'name': None,

The plugin issues an error if a Commodity directive is missing the attribute, or if the attribute value is not in the valid set. If you'd like to just ensure the attribute is set, set the list of valid values to None, as in the 'name' attribute in the example above.

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.CommodityError (tuple)

CommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.CommodityError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.CommodityError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of CommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.CommodityError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.ConfigError (tuple)

ConfigError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.ConfigError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.ConfigError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of ConfigError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.ConfigError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.commodity_attr.validate_commodity_attr(entries, unused_options_map, config_str)

Check that all Commodity directives have a valid attribute.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • config_str – A configuration string.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_commodity_attr(entries, unused_options_map, config_str):
    """Check that all Commodity directives have a valid attribute.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      config_str: A configuration string.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    errors = []

    # pylint: disable=eval-used
    config_obj = eval(config_str, {}, {})
    if not isinstance(config_obj, dict):
            data.new_metadata('<commodity_attr>', 0),
            "Invalid configuration for commodity_attr plugin; skipping.", None))
        return entries, errors

    validmap = {attr: frozenset(values) if values is not None else None
                for attr, values in config_obj.items()}
    for entry in entries:
        if not isinstance(entry, data.Commodity):
        for attr, values in validmap.items():
            value = entry.meta.get(attr, None)
            if value is None:
                    "Missing attribute '{}' for Commodity directive {}".format(
                        attr, entry.currency), None))
            if values and value not in values:
                    "Invalid attribute '{}' for Commodity".format(value) +
                    " directive {}; valid options: {}".format(
                        entry.currency, ', '.join(values)), None))

    return entries, errors


An implementation of currency accounts.

This is an automatic implementation of the method described here:

You enable it just like this:

plugin "beancount.plugins.currency_accounts" "Equity:CurrencyAccounts"

Accounts will be automatically created under the given base account, with the currency name appended to it, e.g.,


etc., where used. You can have a look at the account balances with a query like this:

bean-query $L "select account, sum(position), convert(sum(position), 'USD')
               where date &gt;= 2018-01-01 and  account ~ 'CurrencyAccounts' "

The sum total of the converted amounts should be a number not too large:

bean-query $L "select convert(sum(position), 'USD')
               where date &gt;= 2018-01-01 and  account ~ 'CurrencyAccounts'"

WARNING: This is a prototype. Note the FIXMEs in the code below, which indicate some potential problems.

beancount.plugins.currency_accounts.get_neutralizing_postings(curmap, base_account, new_accounts)

Process an entry.

  • curmap – A dict of currency to a list of Postings of this transaction.

  • base_account – A string, the root account name to insert.

  • new_accounts – A set, a mutable accumulator of new account names.

  • A modified entry, with new postings inserted to rebalance currency trading accounts.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def get_neutralizing_postings(curmap, base_account, new_accounts):
    """Process an entry.

      curmap: A dict of currency to a list of Postings of this transaction.
      base_account: A string, the root account name to insert.
      new_accounts: A set, a mutable accumulator of new account names.
      A modified entry, with new postings inserted to rebalance currency trading
    new_postings = []
    for currency, postings in curmap.items():
        # Compute the per-currency balance.
        inv = inventory.Inventory()
        for posting in postings:
        if inv.is_empty():

        # Re-insert original postings and remove price conversions.
        # Note: This may cause problems if the implicit_prices plugin is
        # configured to run after this one, or if you need the price annotations
        # for some scripting or serious work.
        # FIXME: We need to handle these important cases (they're not frivolous,
        # this is a prototype), probably by inserting some exceptions with
        # collaborating code in the booking (e.g. insert some metadata that
        # disables price conversions on those postings).
        # FIXME(2): Ouch! Some of the residual seeps through here, where there
        # are more than a single currency block. This needs fixing too. You can
        # easily mitigate some of this to some extent, by excluding transactions
        # which don't have any price conversion in them.
        for pos in postings:
            if pos.price is not None:
                pos = pos._replace(price=None)

        # Insert the currency trading accounts postings.
        amount = inv.get_only_position().units
        acc = account.join(base_account, currency)
            Posting(acc, -amount, None, None, None, None))

    return new_postings


Return where this entry might require adjustment.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def group_postings_by_weight_currency(entry: Transaction):
    """Return where this entry might require adjustment."""
    curmap = collections.defaultdict(list)
    has_price = False
    for posting in entry.postings:
        currency = posting.units.currency
        if posting.cost:
            currency = posting.cost.currency
            if posting.price:
                assert posting.price.currency == currency
            elif posting.price:
                has_price = True
                currency = posting.price.currency
        if posting.price:
            has_price = True
    return curmap, has_price

beancount.plugins.currency_accounts.insert_currency_trading_postings(entries, options_map, config)

Insert currency trading postings.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • config – The base account name for currency trading accounts.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def insert_currency_trading_postings(entries, options_map, config):
    """Insert currency trading postings.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      config: The base account name for currency trading accounts.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    base_account = config.strip()
    if not account.is_valid(base_account):
        base_account = DEFAULT_BASE_ACCOUNT

    errors = []
    new_entries = []
    new_accounts = set()
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, Transaction):
            curmap, has_price = group_postings_by_weight_currency(entry)
            if has_price and len(curmap) > 1:
                new_postings = get_neutralizing_postings(
                    curmap, base_account, new_accounts)
                entry = entry._replace(postings=new_postings)
                if META_PROCESSED:
                    entry.meta[META_PROCESSED] = True

    earliest_date = entries[0].date
    open_entries = [
        data.Open(data.new_metadata('<currency_accounts>', index),
                  earliest_date, acc, None, None)
        for index, acc in enumerate(sorted(new_accounts))]

    return open_entries + new_entries, errors


For tagged transactions, convert expenses to a single account.

This plugin allows you to select a tag and it automatically converts all the Expenses postings to use a single account. For example, with this input:

plugin "divert_expenses" "['kid', 'Expenses:Child']"

2018-01-28 * "CVS" "Formula" #kid
  Liabilities:CreditCard      -10.27 USD
  Expenses:Food:Grocery        10.27 USD

It will output:

2018-01-28 * "CVS" "Formula" #kid Liabilities:CreditCard -10.27 USD Expenses:Child 10.27 USD

You can limit the diversion to one posting only, like this:

2018-05-05 * "CVS/PHARMACY" "" #kai
  Liabilities:CreditCard        -66.38 USD
  Expenses:Pharmacy              21.00 USD  ;; Vitamins for Kai
  Expenses:Pharmacy              45.38 USD
    divert: FALSE

See unit test for details.

See this thread for context:

beancount.plugins.divert_expenses.divert_expenses(entries, options_map, config_str)

Divert expenses.

Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • options_map – A parser options dict.

  • config_str – A configuration string, which is intended to be a list of two strings, a tag, and an account to replace expenses with.

  • A modified list of entries.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def divert_expenses(entries, options_map, config_str):
    """Divert expenses.

    Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from
    postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized
    as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      options_map: A parser options dict.
      config_str: A configuration string, which is intended to be a list of two strings,
        a tag, and an account to replace expenses with.
      A modified list of entries.
    # pylint: disable=eval-used
    config_obj = eval(config_str, {}, {})
    if not isinstance(config_obj, dict):
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid plugin configuration: should be a single dict.")
    tag = config_obj['tag']
    replacement_account = config_obj['account']

    acctypes = options.get_account_types(options_map)

    new_entries = []
    errors = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, Transaction) and tag in entry.tags:
            entry = replace_diverted_accounts(entry, replacement_account, acctypes)

    return new_entries, errors

beancount.plugins.divert_expenses.replace_diverted_accounts(entry, replacement_account, acctypes)

Replace the Expenses accounts from the entry.

  • entry – A Transaction directive.

  • replacement_account – A string, the account to use for replacement.

  • acctypes – An AccountTypes instance.

  • A possibly entry directive.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def replace_diverted_accounts(entry, replacement_account, acctypes):
    """Replace the Expenses accounts from the entry.

      entry: A Transaction directive.
      replacement_account: A string, the account to use for replacement.
      acctypes: An AccountTypes instance.
      A possibly entry directive.
    new_postings = []
    for posting in entry.postings:
        divert = posting.meta.get('divert', None) if posting.meta else None
        if (divert is True or (
                divert is None and
                account_types.is_account_type(acctypes.expenses, posting.account))):
            posting = posting._replace(account=replacement_account,
                                       meta={'diverted_account': posting.account})
    return entry._replace(postings=new_postings)


Exclude #virtual tags.

This is used to demonstrate excluding a set of transactions from a particular tag. In this example module, the tag name is fixed, but if we integrated this we could provide a way to choose which tags to exclude. This is simply just another mechanism for selecting a subset of transactions.

See discussion here for details:

beancount.plugins.exclude_tag.exclude_tag(entries, options_map)

Select all transactions that do not have a #virtual tag.

  • entries – A list of entry instances.

  • options_map – A dict of options parsed from the file.

  • A tuple of entries and errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def exclude_tag(entries, options_map):
    """Select all transactions that do not have a #virtual tag.

      entries: A list of entry instances.
      options_map: A dict of options parsed from the file.
      A tuple of entries and errors.
    filtered_entries = [entry
                        for entry in entries
                        if (not isinstance(entry, data.Transaction) or
                            not entry.tags or
                            EXCLUDED_TAG not in entry.tags)]
    return (filtered_entries, [])


Insert an posting with a default account when there is only a single posting.

This is convenient to use in files which have mostly expenses, such as during a trip. Set the name of the default account to fill in as an option.

beancount.plugins.fill_account.FillAccountError (tuple)

FillAccountError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.fill_account.FillAccountError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.fill_account.FillAccountError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of FillAccountError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.fill_account.FillAccountError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.fill_account.fill_account(entries, unused_options_map, insert_account)

Insert an posting with a default account when there is only a single posting.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • insert_account – A string, the name of the account.

  • A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a list of errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def fill_account(entries, unused_options_map, insert_account):
    """Insert an posting with a default account when there is only a single posting.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      insert_account: A string, the name of the account.
      A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a
      list of errors.
    if not account.is_valid(insert_account):
        return entries, [
            FillAccountError(data.new_metadata('<fill_account>', 0),
                             "Invalid account name: '{}'".format(insert_account),

    new_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction) and len(entry.postings) == 1:
            inv = inventory.Inventory()
            for posting in entry.postings:
                if posting.cost is None:
            new_postings = list(entry.postings)
            for pos in inv:
                new_postings.append(data.Posting(insert_account, -pos.units,
                                                 None, None, None, None))
            entry = entry._replace(postings=new_postings)

    return new_entries, []


Rename payees based on a set of rules.

This can be used to clean up dirty imported payee names.

This plugin accepts a list of rules in this format:

plugin "beancount.plugins.fix_payees" "[
    (PAYEE, MATCH1, MATCH2, ...),

Each of the "MATCH" clauses is a string, in the format:

"A:&lt;regexp&gt;" : Match the account name.
"D:&lt;regexp&gt;" : Match the payee or the narration.

The plugin matches the Transactions in the file and if there is a case-insensitive match against the regular expression (we use, replaces the payee name by "PAYEE". If multiple rules match, only the first rule is used.

For example:

plugin "beancount.plugins.fix_payees" "[

    ("T-Mobile USA",

    ("Con Edison",
     "D:con ?ed"),

    ("Birreria @ Eataly",


beancount.plugins.fix_payees.FixPayeesError (tuple)

FixPayeesError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.fix_payees.FixPayeesError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.fix_payees.FixPayeesError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of FixPayeesError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.fix_payees.FixPayeesError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.fix_payees.fix_payees(entries, options_map, config)

Rename payees based on a set of rules. See module docstring for details.

  • entries – a list of entry instances

  • options_map – a dict of options parsed from the file

  • config – A configuration string, which is intended to be a list of (PAYEE, MATCH, ...) rules. See module docstring for details.

  • A tuple of entries and errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def fix_payees(entries, options_map, config):
    """Rename payees based on a set of rules. See module docstring for details.

      entries: a list of entry instances
      options_map: a dict of options parsed from the file
      config: A configuration string, which is intended to be a list of
        (PAYEE, MATCH, ...) rules. See module docstring for details.
      A tuple of entries and errors.
    errors = []
    if config.strip():
            expr = ast.literal_eval(config)
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
            meta = data.new_metadata(options_map['filename'], 0)
                                         "Syntax error in config: {}".format(config),
            return entries, errors
        return entries, errors

    # Pre-compile the regular expressions for performance.
    rules = []
    for rule in ast.literal_eval(config):
        clauses = iter(rule)
        new_payee = next(clauses)
        regexps = []
        for clause in clauses:
            match = re.match('([AD]):(.*)', clause)
            if not match:
                meta = data.new_metadata(options_map['filename'], 0)
                                             "Invalid clause: {}".format(clause),
            command, regexp = match.groups()
            regexps.append((command, re.compile(regexp, re.I).search))
        new_rule = [new_payee] + regexps

    # Run the rules over the transaction objects.
    new_entries = []
    replaced_entries = {rule[0]: [] for rule in rules}
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            for rule in rules:
                clauses = iter(rule)
                new_payee = next(clauses)

                # Attempt to match all the clauses.
                for clause in clauses:
                    command, func = clause
                    if command == 'D':
                        if not ((entry.payee is not None and func(entry.payee)) or
                                (entry.narration is not None and func(entry.narration))):
                    elif command == 'A':
                        if not any(func(posting.account) for posting in entry.postings):
                    # Make the replacement.
                    entry = entry._replace(payee=new_payee)

    if _DEBUG:
        # Print debugging info.
        for payee, repl_entries in sorted(replaced_entries.items(),
                                          key=lambda x: len(x[1]),
            print('{:60}: {}'.format(payee, len(repl_entries)))

    return new_entries, errors


An example of adding a forecasting feature to Beancount via a plugin.

This entry filter plugin uses existing syntax to define and automatically inserted transactions in the future based on a convention. It serves mostly as an example of how you can experiment by creating and installing a local filter, and not so much as a serious forecasting feature (though the experiment is a good way to get something more general kickstarted eventually, I think the concept would generalize nicely and should eventually be added as a common feature of Beancount).

A user can create a transaction like this:

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [MONTHLY]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

and new transactions will be created monthly for the following year. Note the use of the '#' flag and the word 'MONTHLY' which defines the periodicity.

The number of recurrences can optionally be specified either by providing an end date or by specifying the number of times that the transaction will be repeated. For example:

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [MONTHLY UNTIL 2019-12-31]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [MONTHLY REPEAT 10 TIMES]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

Transactions can also be repeated at yearly intervals, e.g.:

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [YEARLY REPEAT 10 TIMES]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

Other examples:

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [WEEKLY SKIP 1 TIME REPEAT 10 TIMES]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

2014-03-08 # "Electricity bill [DAILY SKIP 3 TIMES REPEAT 1 TIME]"
  Expenses:Electricity                      50.10 USD
  Assets:Checking                          -50.10 USD

beancount.plugins.forecast.forecast_plugin(entries, options_map)

An example filter that piggybacks on top of the Beancount input syntax to insert forecast entries automatically. This functions accepts the return value of beancount.loader.load_file() and must return the same type of output.

  • entries – a list of entry instances

  • options_map – a dict of options parsed from the file

  • A tuple of entries and errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def forecast_plugin(entries, options_map):
    """An example filter that piggybacks on top of the Beancount input syntax to
    insert forecast entries automatically. This functions accepts the return
    value of beancount.loader.load_file() and must return the same type of output.

      entries: a list of entry instances
      options_map: a dict of options parsed from the file
      A tuple of entries and errors.

    # Find the last entry's date.
    date_today = entries[-1].date

    # Filter out forecast entries from the list of valid entries.
    forecast_entries = []
    filtered_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        outlist = (forecast_entries
                   if (isinstance(entry, data.Transaction) and entry.flag == '#')
                   else filtered_entries)

    # Generate forecast entries up to the end of the current year.
    new_entries = []
    for entry in forecast_entries:
        # Parse the periodicity.
        match ='(^.*)\[(MONTHLY|YEARLY|WEEKLY|DAILY)'
                          r'?(\s+UNTIL\s+([0-9\-]+))?\]', entry.narration)
        if not match:
        forecast_narration =
        forecast_interval = (
            rrule.YEARLY if == 'YEARLY'
            else rrule.WEEKLY if == 'WEEKLY'
            else rrule.DAILY if == 'DAILY'
            else rrule.MONTHLY)
        forecast_periodicity = {'dtstart':}
        if  # e.g., [MONTHLY REPEAT 3 TIMES]:
            forecast_periodicity['count'] = int(
        elif  # e.g., [MONTHLY UNTIL 2020-01-01]:
            forecast_periodicity['until'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
      , '%Y-%m-%d').date()
            # e.g., [MONTHLY]
            forecast_periodicity['until'] =
      , 12, 31)

            # SKIP
            forecast_periodicity['interval'] = int( + 1

        # Generate a new entry for each forecast date.
        forecast_dates = [ for dt in rrule.rrule(forecast_interval,
        for forecast_date in forecast_dates:
            forecast_entry = entry._replace(date=forecast_date,

    # Make sure the new entries inserted are sorted.

    return (filtered_entries + new_entries, [])


This plugin synthesizes Price directives for all Postings with a price or directive or if it is an augmenting posting, has a cost directive.

beancount.plugins.implicit_prices.ImplicitPriceError (tuple)

ImplicitPriceError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.implicit_prices.ImplicitPriceError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.implicit_prices.ImplicitPriceError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of ImplicitPriceError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.implicit_prices.ImplicitPriceError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.implicit_prices.add_implicit_prices(entries, unused_options_map)

Insert implicitly defined prices from Transactions.

Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a list of errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def add_implicit_prices(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Insert implicitly defined prices from Transactions.

    Explicit price entries are simply maintained in the output list. Prices from
    postings with costs or with prices from Transaction entries are synthesized
    as new Price entries in the list of entries output.

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      A list of entries, possibly with more Price entries than before, and a
      list of errors.
    new_entries = []
    errors = []

    # A dict of (date, currency, cost-currency) to price entry.
    new_price_entry_map = {}

    balances = collections.defaultdict(inventory.Inventory)
    for entry in entries:
        # Always replicate the existing entries.

        if isinstance(entry, Transaction):
            # Inspect all the postings in the transaction.
            for posting in entry.postings:
                units = posting.units
                cost = posting.cost

                # Check if the position is matching against an existing
                # position.
                _, booking = balances[posting.account].add_position(posting)

                # Add prices when they're explicitly specified on a posting. An
                # explicitly specified price may occur in a conversion, e.g.
                #      Assets:Account    100 USD @ 1.10 CAD
                # or, if a cost is also specified, as the current price of the
                # underlying instrument, e.g.
                #      Assets:Account    100 HOOL {564.20} @ {581.97} USD
                if posting.price is not None:
                    meta = data.new_metadata(entry.meta["filename"], entry.meta["lineno"])
                    price_entry = data.Price(meta,,

                # Add costs, when we're not matching against an existing
                # position. This happens when we're just specifying the cost,
                # e.g.
                #      Assets:Account    100 HOOL {564.20}
                elif (cost is not None and
                      booking != inventory.Booking.REDUCED):
                    meta = data.new_metadata(entry.meta["filename"], entry.meta["lineno"])
                    price_entry = data.Price(meta,,

                    price_entry = None

                if price_entry is not None:
                    key = (,
                           price_entry.amount.number,  # Ideally should be removed.

                        ## Do not fail for now. We still have many valid use
                        ## cases of duplicate prices on the same date, for
                        ## example, stock splits, or trades on two dates with
                        ## two separate reported prices. We need to figure out a
                        ## more elegant solution for this in the long term.
                        ## Keeping both for now. We should ideally not use the
                        ## number in the de-dup key above.
                        # dup_entry = new_price_entry_map[key]
                        # if price_entry.amount.number == dup_entry.amount.number:
                        #     # Skip duplicates.
                        #     continue
                        # else:
                        #     errors.append(
                        #         ImplicitPriceError(
                        #             entry.meta,
                        #             "Duplicate prices for {} on {}".format(entry,
                        #                                                    dup_entry),
                        #             entry))
                    except KeyError:
                        new_price_entry_map[key] = price_entry

    return new_entries, errors


Automatically adding IRA contributions postings.

This plugin looks for increasing postings on specified accounts ('+' sign for Assets and Expenses accounts, '-' sign for the others), or postings with a particular flag on them and when it finds some, inserts a pair of postings on that transaction of the corresponding amounts in a different currency. The currency is intended to be an imaginary currency used to track the number of dollars contributed to a retirement account over time.

For example, a possible configuration could be:

plugin "beancount.plugins.ira_contribs" "{
    'currency': 'IRAUSD',
    'flag': 'M',
    'accounts': {

        'Income:US:Acme:Match401k': (

        ('C', 'Assets:US:Fidelity:PreTax401k:Cash'): (

Note: In this example, the configuration that triggers on the "Income:US:Acme:Match401k" account does not require a flag for those accounts; the configuration for the "Assets:US:Fidelity:PreTax401k:Cash" account requires postings to have a "C" flag to trigger an insertion.

Given a transaction like the following, which would be typical for a salary entry where the employer is automatically diverting some of the pre-tax money to a retirement account (in this example, at Fidelity):

2013-02-15 * "ACME INC       PAYROLL"
  Income:US:Acme:Salary                   ...
  Assets:US:BofA:Checking                 ...
  Assets:US:Fidelity:PreTax401k:Cash      620.50 USD

A posting with account 'Assets:US:Fidelity:PreTax401k:Cash', which is configured to match, would be found. The configuration above instructs the plugin to automatically insert new postings like this:

2013-02-15 * "ACME INC       PAYROLL"
  Assets:US:Fidelity:PreTax401k:Cash              620.50 USD
  M Assets:US:Federal:PreTax401k                 -620.50 IRAUSD
  M Expenses:Taxes:TY2013:US:Federal:PreTax401k   620.50 IRAUSD

Notice that the "{year}" string in the configuration's account names is automatically replaced by the current year in the account name. This is useful if you maintain separate tax accounts per year.

Furthermore, as in the configuration example above, you may have multiple matching entries to trigger multiple insertions. For example, the employer may also match the employee's retirement contribution by depositing some money in the retirement account:

2013-02-15 * "BUYMF - MATCH" "Employer match, invested in SaveEasy 2030 fund"
  Assets:US:Fidelity:Match401k:SE2030   34.793 SE2030 {17.834 USD}
  Income:US:Acme:Match401k             -620.50 USD

In this example the funds get reported as invested immediately (an intermediate deposit into a cash account does not take place). The plugin configuration would match against the 'Income:US:Acme:Match401k' account and since it increases its value (the normal balance of an Income account is negative), postings would be inserted like this:

2013-02-15 * "BUYMF - MATCH" "Employer match, invested in SaveEasy 2030 fund"
  Assets:US:Fidelity:Match401k:SE2030              34.793 SE2030 {17.834 USD}
  Income:US:Acme:Match401k                        -620.50 USD
  M Assets:US:Federal:Match401k                   -620.50 IRAUSD
  M Expenses:Taxes:TY2013:US:Federal:Match401k     620.50 IRAUSD

Note that the special dict keys 'currency' and 'flag' are used to specify which currency to use for the inserted postings, and if set, which flag to mark these postings with.

beancount.plugins.ira_contribs.add_ira_contribs(entries, options_map, config_str)

Add legs for 401k employer match contributions.

See module docstring for an example configuration.

  • entries – a list of entry instances

  • options_map – a dict of options parsed from the file

  • config_str – A configuration string, which is intended to be a Python dict mapping match-accounts to a pair of (negative-account, position-account) account names.

  • A tuple of entries and errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def add_ira_contribs(entries, options_map, config_str):
    """Add legs for 401k employer match contributions.

    See module docstring for an example configuration.

      entries: a list of entry instances
      options_map: a dict of options parsed from the file
      config_str: A configuration string, which is intended to be a Python dict
        mapping match-accounts to a pair of (negative-account, position-account)
        account names.
      A tuple of entries and errors.
    # Parse and extract configuration values.
    # FIXME: Use ast.literal_eval() here; you need to convert this code and the getters.
    # FIXME: Also, don't raise a RuntimeError, return an error object; review
    # this for all the plugins.
    # FIXME: This too is temporary.
    # pylint: disable=eval-used
    config_obj = eval(config_str, {}, {})
    if not isinstance(config_obj, dict):
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid plugin configuration: should be a single dict.")

    # Currency of the inserted postings.
    currency = config_obj.pop('currency', 'UNKNOWN')

    # Flag to attach to the inserted postings.
    insert_flag = config_obj.pop('flag', None)

    # A dict of account names that trigger the insertion of postings to pairs of
    # inserted accounts when triggered.
    accounts = config_obj.pop('accounts', {})

    # Convert the key in the accounts configuration for matching.
    account_transforms = {}
    for key, config in accounts.items():
        if isinstance(key, str):
            flag = None
            account = key
            assert isinstance(key, tuple)
            flag, account = key
        account_transforms[account] = (flag, config)

    new_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            orig_entry = entry
            for posting in entry.postings:
                if (posting.units is not MISSING and
                    (posting.account in account_transforms) and
                    (account_types.get_account_sign(posting.account) *
                     posting.units.number > 0)):

                    # Get the new account legs to insert.
                    required_flag, (neg_account,
                                    pos_account) = account_transforms[posting.account]
                    assert posting.cost is None

                    # Check required flag if present.
                    if (required_flag is None or
                        (required_flag and required_flag == posting.flag)):
                        # Insert income/expense entries for 401k.
                        entry = add_postings(
                            amount.Amount(abs(posting.units.number), currency),

            if DEBUG and orig_entry is not entry:


    return new_entries, []

beancount.plugins.ira_contribs.add_postings(entry, amount_, neg_account, pos_account, flag)

Insert positive and negative postings of a position in an entry.

  • entry – A Transaction instance.

  • amount_ – An Amount instance to create the position, with positive number.

  • neg_account – An account for the posting with the negative amount.

  • pos_account – An account for the posting with the positive amount.

  • flag – A string, that is to be set as flag for the new postings.

  • A new, modified entry.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def add_postings(entry, amount_, neg_account, pos_account, flag):
    """Insert positive and negative postings of a position in an entry.

      entry: A Transaction instance.
      amount_: An Amount instance to create the position, with positive number.
      neg_account: An account for the posting with the negative amount.
      pos_account: An account for the posting with the positive amount.
      flag: A string, that is to be set as flag for the new postings.
      A new, modified entry.
    return entry._replace(postings=entry.postings + [
        data.Posting(neg_account, -amount_, None, None, flag, None),
        data.Posting(pos_account, amount_, None, None, flag, None),


A plugin that issues errors when amounts are posted to non-leaf accounts, that is, accounts with child accounts.

This is an extra constraint that you may want to apply optionally. If you install this plugin, it will issue errors for all accounts that have postings to non-leaf accounts. Some users may want to disallow this and enforce that only leaf accounts may have postings on them.

beancount.plugins.leafonly.LeafOnlyError (tuple)

LeafOnlyError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.leafonly.LeafOnlyError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.leafonly.LeafOnlyError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of LeafOnlyError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.leafonly.LeafOnlyError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.leafonly.validate_leaf_only(entries, unused_options_map)

Check for non-leaf accounts that have postings on them.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_leaf_only(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Check for non-leaf accounts that have postings on them.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    real_root = realization.realize(entries, compute_balance=False)

    default_meta = data.new_metadata('<leafonly>', 0)
    open_close_map = None # Lazily computed.
    errors = []
    for real_account in realization.iter_children(real_root):
        if len(real_account) > 0 and real_account.txn_postings:

            if open_close_map is None:
                open_close_map = getters.get_account_open_close(entries)

                open_entry = open_close_map[real_account.account][0]
            except KeyError:
                open_entry = None
                open_entry.meta if open_entry else default_meta,
                "Non-leaf account '{}' has postings on it".format(real_account.account),

    return entries, errors


Add metadata to Postings which occur after their last Balance directives.

Some people use Balance directives as a way to indicate that all postings before them are verified. They want to compute balances in each account as of the date of that last Balance directives. One way to do that is to use this plugin to mark the postings which occur after and to then filter them out using a WHERE clause on that metadata:

SELECT account, sum(position) WHERE NOT meta("unverified")

Note that doing such a filtering may result in a list of balances which may not add to zero.

Also, postings for accounts without a single Balance directive on them will not be marked as unverified as all (otherwise all the postings would be marked, this would make no sense).

beancount.plugins.mark_unverified.mark_unverified(entries, options_map)

Add metadata to postings after the last Balance entry. See module doc.

  • entries – A list of data directives.

  • options_map – A dict of options, that confirms to beancount.parser.options.

  • A list of entries, which includes the new unrealized capital gains entries at the end, and a list of errors. The new list of entries is still sorted.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def mark_unverified(entries, options_map):
    """Add metadata to postings after the last Balance entry. See module doc.

      entries: A list of data directives.
      options_map: A dict of options, that confirms to beancount.parser.options.
      A list of entries, which includes the new unrealized capital gains entries
      at the end, and a list of errors. The new list of entries is still sorted.
    # The last Balance directive seen for each account.
    last_balances = {}
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Balance):
            last_balances[entry.account] = entry

    new_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            postings = entry.postings
            new_postings = postings
            for index, posting in enumerate(postings):
                balance = last_balances.get(posting.account, None)
                if balance and <=
                    if new_postings is postings:
                        new_postings = postings.copy()
                    new_meta = posting.meta.copy()
                    new_meta['unverified'] = True
                    new_postings[index] = posting._replace(meta=new_meta)
            if new_postings is not postings:
                entry = entry._replace(postings=new_postings)

    return new_entries, []


Merge the metadata from a second file into the current set of entries.

This is useful if you like to keep more sensitive private data, such as account numbers or passwords, in a second, possibly encrypted file. This can be used to generate a will, for instance, for your loved ones to be able to figure where all your assets are in case you pass away. You can store all the super secret stuff in a more closely guarded, hidden away separate file.

The metadata from

  • Open directives: Account name must match.
  • Close directives: Account name must match.
  • Commodity directives: Currency must match.

are copied over. Metadata from the external file conflicting with that present in the main file overwrites it (external data wins).

WARNING! If you include an encrypted file and the main file is not encrypted, the contents extraction from the encrypted file may appear in the cache.

beancount.plugins.merge_meta.merge_meta(entries, options_map, config)

Load a secondary file and merge its metadata in our given set of entries.

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • config – The plugin configuration string.

  • A list of entries, with more metadata attached to them.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def merge_meta(entries, options_map, config):
    """Load a secondary file and merge its metadata in our given set of entries.

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      config: The plugin configuration string.
      A list of entries, with more metadata attached to them.
    external_filename = config
    new_entries = list(entries)

    ext_entries, ext_errors, ext_options_map = loader.load_file(external_filename)

    # Map Open and Close directives.
    oc_map = getters.get_account_open_close(entries)
    ext_oc_map = getters.get_account_open_close(ext_entries)
    for account in set(oc_map.keys()) & set(ext_oc_map.keys()):
        open_entry, close_entry = oc_map[account]
        ext_open_entry, ext_close_entry = ext_oc_map[account]
        if open_entry and ext_open_entry:
        if close_entry and ext_close_entry:

    # Map Commodity directives.
    comm_map = getters.get_commodity_map(entries, False)
    ext_comm_map = getters.get_commodity_map(ext_entries, False)
    for currency in set(comm_map) & set(ext_comm_map):
        comm_entry = comm_map[currency]
        ext_comm_entry = ext_comm_map[currency]
        if comm_entry and ext_comm_entry:

    # Note: We cannot include the external file in the list of inputs so that a
    # change of it triggers a cache rebuild because side-effects on options_map
    # aren't cascaded through. This is something that should be defined better
    # in the plugin interface and perhaps improved upon.

    return new_entries, ext_errors


This plugin validates that there are no duplicate transactions.

beancount.plugins.noduplicates.validate_no_duplicates(entries, unused_options_map)

Check that the entries are unique, by computing hashes.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_no_duplicates(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Check that the entries are unique, by computing hashes.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    unused_hashes, errors = compare.hash_entries(entries, exclude_meta=True)
    return entries, errors


This plugin validates that there are no unused accounts.

beancount.plugins.nounused.UnusedAccountError (tuple)

UnusedAccountError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.nounused.UnusedAccountError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.nounused.UnusedAccountError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of UnusedAccountError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.nounused.UnusedAccountError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.nounused.validate_unused_accounts(entries, unused_options_map)

Check that all accounts declared open are actually used.

We check that all of the accounts that are open are at least referred to by another directive. These are probably unused, so issue a warning (we like to be pedantic). Note that an account that is open and then closed is considered used--this is a valid use case that may occur in reality. If you have a use case for an account to be open but never used, you can quiet that warning by initializing the account with a balance asserts or a pad directive, or even use a note will be sufficient.

(This is probably a good candidate for optional inclusion as a "pedantic" plugin.)

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_unused_accounts(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Check that all accounts declared open are actually used.

    We check that all of the accounts that are open are at least referred to by
    another directive. These are probably unused, so issue a warning (we like to
    be pedantic). Note that an account that is open and then closed is
    considered used--this is a valid use case that may occur in reality. If you
    have a use case for an account to be open but never used, you can quiet that
    warning by initializing the account with a balance asserts or a pad
    directive, or even use a note will be sufficient.

    (This is probably a good candidate for optional inclusion as a "pedantic"

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    # Find all the accounts referenced by entries which are not Open, and the
    # open directives for error reporting below.
    open_map = {}
    referenced_accounts = set()
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Open):
            open_map[entry.account] = entry

    # Create a list of suitable errors, with the location of the Open directives
    # corresponding to the unused accounts.
    errors = [UnusedAccountError(open_entry.meta,
                                 "Unused account '{}'".format(account),
              for account, open_entry in open_map.items()
              if account not in referenced_accounts]
    return entries, errors


A plugin that issues errors when more than one commodity is used in an account.

For investments or trading accounts, it can make it easier to filter the action around a single stock by using the name of the stock as the leaf of the account name.


  • The plugin will automatically skip accounts that have explicitly declared commodities in their Open directive.

  • You can also set the metadata "onecommodity: FALSE" on an account's Open directive to skip the checks for that account.

  • If provided, the configuration should be a regular expression restricting the set of accounts to check.

beancount.plugins.onecommodity.OneCommodityError (tuple)

OneCommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.onecommodity.OneCommodityError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.onecommodity.OneCommodityError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of OneCommodityError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.onecommodity.OneCommodityError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.onecommodity.validate_one_commodity(entries, unused_options_map, config=None)

Check that each account has units in only a single commodity.

This is an extra constraint that you may want to apply optionally, despite Beancount's ability to support inventories and aggregations with more than one commodity. I believe this also matches GnuCash's model, where each account has a single commodity attached to it.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • config – The plugin configuration string, a regular expression to match against the subset of accounts to check.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_one_commodity(entries, unused_options_map, config=None):
    """Check that each account has units in only a single commodity.

    This is an extra constraint that you may want to apply optionally, despite
    Beancount's ability to support inventories and aggregations with more than
    one commodity. I believe this also matches GnuCash's model, where each
    account has a single commodity attached to it.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      config: The plugin configuration string, a regular expression to match
        against the subset of accounts to check.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    accounts_re = re.compile(config) if config else None

    # Mappings of account name to lists of currencies for each units and cost.
    units_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
    cost_map = collections.defaultdict(set)

    # Mappings to use just for getting a relevant source.
    units_source_map = {}
    cost_source_map = {}

    # Gather the set of accounts to skip from the Open directives.
    skip_accounts = set()
    for entry in entries:
        if not isinstance(entry, data.Open):
        if (not entry.meta.get("onecommodity", True) or
            (accounts_re and not accounts_re.match(entry.account)) or
            (entry.currencies and len(entry.currencies) > 1)):

    # Accumulate all the commodities used.
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            for posting in entry.postings:
                if posting.account in skip_accounts:

                units = posting.units
                if len(units_map[posting.account]) > 1:
                    units_source_map[posting.account] = entry

                cost = posting.cost
                if cost:
                    if len(cost_map[posting.account]) > 1:
                        units_source_map[posting.account] = entry

        elif isinstance(entry, data.Balance):
            if entry.account in skip_accounts:

            if len(units_map[entry.account]) > 1:
                units_source_map[entry.account] = entry

        elif isinstance(entry, data.Open):
            if entry.currencies and len(entry.currencies) > 1:

    # Check units.
    errors = []
    for account, currencies in units_map.items():
        if account in skip_accounts:
        if len(currencies) > 1:
                "More than one currency in account '{}': {}".format(
                    account, ','.join(currencies)),

    # Check costs.
    for account, currencies in cost_map.items():
        if account in skip_accounts:
        if len(currencies) > 1:
                "More than one cost currency in account '{}': {}".format(
                    account, ','.join(currencies)),

    return entries, errors


A plugin of plugins which triggers are all the pedantic plugins.

In a sense, this is the inverse of "pedantic." This is useful when doing some types of quick and dirty tests.


A plugin that cross-checks declared gains against prices on lot sales.

When you sell stock, the gains can be automatically implied by the corresponding cash amounts. For example, in the following transaction the 2nd and 3rd postings should match the value of the stock sold:

1999-07-31 * "Sell"
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:ESPP          -81 ADSK {26.3125 USD}
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:Cash      2141.36 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Fees            0.08 USD
  Income:US:Company:ESPP:PnL      -10.125 USD

The cost basis is checked against: 2141.36 + 008 + -10.125. That is, the balance checks computes

-81 x 26.3125 = -2131.3125 + 2141.36 + 0.08 + -10.125

and checks that the residual is below a small tolerance.

But... usually the income leg isn't given to you in statements. Beancount can automatically infer it using the balance, which is convenient, like this:

1999-07-31 * "Sell"
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:ESPP          -81 ADSK {26.3125 USD}
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:Cash      2141.36 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Fees            0.08 USD

Additionally, most often you have the sales prices given to you on your transaction confirmation statement, so you can enter this:

1999-07-31 * "Sell"
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:ESPP          -81 ADSK {26.3125 USD} @ 26.4375 USD
  Assets:US:BRS:Company:Cash      2141.36 USD
  Expenses:Financial:Fees            0.08 USD

So in theory, if the price is given (26.4375 USD), we could verify that the proceeds from the sale at the given price match non-Income postings. That is, verify that

-81 x 26.4375 = -2141.4375 + 2141.36 + 0.08 +

is below a small tolerance value. So this plugin does this.

In general terms, it does the following: For transactions with postings that have a cost and a price, it verifies that the sum of the positions on all postings to non-income accounts is below tolerance.

This provides yet another level of verification and allows you to elide the income amounts, knowing that the price is there to provide an extra level of error-checking in case you enter a typo.

beancount.plugins.sellgains.SellGainsError (tuple)

SellGainsError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.sellgains.SellGainsError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.sellgains.SellGainsError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of SellGainsError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.sellgains.SellGainsError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.sellgains.validate_sell_gains(entries, options_map)

Check the sum of asset account totals for lots sold with a price on them.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • unused_options_map – An options map.

  • A list of new errors, if any were found.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_sell_gains(entries, options_map):
    """Check the sum of asset account totals for lots sold with a price on them.

      entries: A list of directives.
      unused_options_map: An options map.
      A list of new errors, if any were found.
    errors = []
    acc_types = options.get_account_types(options_map)
    proceed_types = set([acc_types.assets,

    for entry in entries:
        if not isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):

        # Find transactions whose lots at cost all have a price.
        postings_at_cost = [posting
                            for posting in entry.postings
                            if posting.cost is not None]
        if not postings_at_cost or not all(posting.price is not None
                                           for posting in postings_at_cost):

        # Accumulate the total expected proceeds and the sum of the asset and
        # expenses legs.
        total_price = inventory.Inventory()
        total_proceeds = inventory.Inventory()
        for posting in entry.postings:
            # If the posting is held at cost, add the priced value to the balance.
            if posting.cost is not None:
                assert posting.price is not None
                price = posting.price
                total_price.add_amount(amount.mul(price, -posting.units.number))
                # Otherwise, use the weight and ignore postings to Income accounts.
                atype = account_types.get_account_type(posting.account)
                if atype in proceed_types:

        # Compare inventories, currency by currency.
        dict_price = {pos.units.currency: pos.units.number
                      for pos in total_price}
        dict_proceeds = {pos.units.currency: pos.units.number
                         for pos in total_proceeds}

        tolerances = interpolate.infer_tolerances(entry.postings, options_map)
        invalid = False
        for currency, price_number in dict_price.items():
            # Accept a looser than usual tolerance because rounding occurs
            # differently. Also, it would be difficult for the user to satisfy
            # two sets of constraints manually.
            tolerance = tolerances.get(currency) * EXTRA_TOLERANCE_MULTIPLIER

            proceeds_number = dict_proceeds.pop(currency, ZERO)
            diff = abs(price_number - proceeds_number)
            if diff > tolerance:
                invalid = True

        if invalid or dict_proceeds:
                    "Invalid price vs. proceeds/gains: {} vs. {}".format(
                        total_price, total_proceeds),

    return entries, errors


Split expenses of a Beancount ledger between multiple people.

This plugin is given a list of names. It assumes that any Expenses account whose components do not include any of the given names are to be split between the members. It goes through all the transactions and converts all such postings into multiple postings, one for each member.

For example, given the names 'Martin' and 'Caroline', the following transaction:

2015-02-01 * "Aqua Viva Tulum - two nights"
   Income:Caroline:CreditCard      -269.00 USD

Will be converted to this:

2015-02-01 * "Aqua Viva Tulum - two nights"
  Income:Caroline:CreditCard       -269.00 USD
  Expenses:Accommodation:Martin     134.50 USD
  Expenses:Accommodation:Caroline   134.50 USD

After these transformations, all account names should include the name of a member. You can generate reports for a particular person by filtering postings to accounts with a component by their name.

beancount.plugins.split_expenses.get_participants(filename, options_map)

Get the list of participants from the plugin configuration in the input file.

  • options_map – The options map, as produced by the parser.

  • A list of strings, the names of participants as they should appear in the account names.

  • KeyError – If the configuration does not contain configuration for the list

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def get_participants(filename, options_map):
    """Get the list of participants from the plugin configuration in the input file.

      options_map: The options map, as produced by the parser.
      A list of strings, the names of participants as they should appear in the
      account names.
      KeyError: If the configuration does not contain configuration for the list
      of participants.
    plugin_options = dict(options_map["plugin"])
        return plugin_options["beancount.plugins.split_expenses"].split()
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError("Could not find the split_expenses plugin configuration.")


Generate final reports for a shared expenses on a trip or project.

For each of many participants, generate a detailed list of expenses, contributions, a categorized summary of expenses, and a final balance. Also produce a global list of final balances so that participants can reconcile between each other.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def main():
    """Generate final reports for a shared expenses on a trip or project.

    For each of many participants, generate a detailed list of expenses,
    contributions, a categorized summary of expenses, and a final balance. Also
    produce a global list of final balances so that participants can reconcile
    between each other.

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)-8s: %(message)s')
    parser = version.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__.strip())
    parser.add_argument('filename', help='Beancount input filename')

    parser.add_argument('-c', '--currency', action='store',
                        help="Convert all the amounts to a single common currency")

    oparser = parser.add_argument_group('Outputs')

    oparser.add_argument('-o', '--output-text', '--text', action='store',
                         help="Render results to text boxes")
    oparser.add_argument('--output-csv', '--csv', action='store',
                         help="Render results to CSV files")
    oparser.add_argument('--output-stdout', '--stdout', action='store_true',
                         help="Render results to stdout")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Ensure the directories exist.
    for directory in [args.output_text, args.output_csv]:
        if directory and not path.exists(directory):
            os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)

    # Load the input file and get the list of participants.
    entries, errors, options_map = loader.load_file(args.filename)
    participants = get_participants(args.filename, options_map)

    for participant in participants:
        print("Participant: {}".format(participant))

        save_query("balances", participant, entries, options_map, r"""
            PARENT(account) AS account,
            CONV[SUM(position)] AS amount
          WHERE account ~ ':\b{}'
          GROUP BY 1
          ORDER BY 2 DESC
        """, participant, boxed=False, args=args)

        save_query("expenses", participant, entries, options_map, r"""
            date, flag, description,
            PARENT(account) AS account,
            JOINSTR(links) AS links,
            CONV[position] AS amount,
            CONV[balance] AS balance
          WHERE account ~ 'Expenses.*\b{}'
        """, participant, args=args)

        save_query("income", participant, entries, options_map, r"""
            date, flag, description,
            JOINSTR(links) AS links,
            CONV[position] AS amount,
            CONV[balance] AS balance
          WHERE account ~ 'Income.*\b{}'
        """, participant, args=args)

    save_query("final", None, entries, options_map, r"""
        GREP('\b({})\b', account) AS participant,
        CONV[SUM(position)] AS balance
      GROUP BY 1
      ORDER BY 2
    """, '|'.join(participants), args=args)

    # FIXME: Make this output to CSV files and upload to a spreadsheet.
    # FIXME: Add a fixed with option. This requires changing adding this to the
    # the renderer to be able to have elastic space and line splitting..

beancount.plugins.split_expenses.save_query(title, participant, entries, options_map, sql_query, *format_args, *, boxed=True, spaced=False, args=None)

Save the multiple files for this query.

  • title – A string, the title of this particular report to render.

  • participant – A string, the name of the participant under consideration.

  • entries – A list of directives (as per the loader).

  • options_map – A dict of options (as per the loader).

  • sql_query – A string with the SQL query, possibly with some placeholders left for *format_args to replace.

  • *format_args – A tuple of arguments to be formatted into the SQL query string. This is provided as a convenience.

  • boxed – A boolean, true if we should render the results in a fancy-looking ASCII box.

  • spaced – If true, leave an empty line between each of the rows. This is useful if the results have a lot of rows that render over multiple lines.

  • args – A dummy object with the following attributes: output_text: An optional directory name, to produce a text rendering of the report. output_csv: An optional directory name, to produce a CSV rendering of the report. output_stdout: A boolean, if true, also render the output to stdout. currency: An optional currency (a string). If you use this, you should wrap query targets to be converted with the pseudo-function "CONV[...]" and it will get replaced to CONVERT(..., CURRENCY) automatically.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def save_query(title, participant, entries, options_map, sql_query, *format_args,
               boxed=True, spaced=False, args=None):
    """Save the multiple files for this query.

      title: A string, the title of this particular report to render.
      participant: A string, the name of the participant under consideration.
      entries: A list of directives (as per the loader).
      options_map: A dict of options (as per the loader).
      sql_query: A string with the SQL query, possibly with some placeholders left for
        *format_args to replace.
      *format_args: A tuple of arguments to be formatted into the SQL query string.
        This is provided as a convenience.
      boxed: A boolean, true if we should render the results in a fancy-looking ASCII box.
      spaced: If true, leave an empty line between each of the rows. This is useful if the
        results have a lot of rows that render over multiple lines.
      args: A dummy object with the following attributes:
        output_text: An optional directory name, to produce a text rendering of
          the report.
        output_csv: An optional directory name, to produce a CSV rendering of
          the report.
        output_stdout: A boolean, if true, also render the output to stdout.
        currency: An optional currency (a string). If you use this, you should
          wrap query targets to be converted with the pseudo-function
          "CONV[...]" and it will get replaced to CONVERT(..., CURRENCY)
    # Replace CONV() to convert the currencies or not; if so, replace to
    # CONVERT(..., currency).
    replacement = (r'\1'
                   if args.currency is None else
                   r'CONVERT(\1, "{}")'.format(args.currency))
    sql_query = re.sub(r'CONV\[(.*?)\]', replacement, sql_query)

    # Run the query.
    rtypes, rrows = query.run_query(entries, options_map,
                                    sql_query, *format_args,

    # The base of all filenames.
    filebase = title.replace(' ', '_')

    fmtopts = dict(boxed=boxed,

    # Output the text files.
    if args.output_text:
        basedir = (path.join(args.output_text, participant)
                   if participant
                   else args.output_text)
        os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True)
        filename = path.join(basedir, filebase + '.txt')
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            query_render.render_text(rtypes, rrows, options_map['dcontext'],
                                     file, **fmtopts)

    # Output the CSV files.
    if args.output_csv:
        basedir = (path.join(args.output_csv, participant)
                   if participant
                   else args.output_csv)
        os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True)
        filename = path.join(basedir, filebase + '.csv')
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            query_render.render_csv(rtypes, rrows, options_map['dcontext'],
                                    file, expand=False)

    if args.output_stdout:
        # Write out the query to stdout.
        query_render.render_text(rtypes, rrows, options_map['dcontext'],
                                 sys.stdout, **fmtopts)

beancount.plugins.split_expenses.split_expenses(entries, options_map, config)

Split postings according to expenses (see module docstring for details).

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • config – The plugin configuration string.

  • A list of entries, with potentially more accounts and potentially more postings with smaller amounts.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def split_expenses(entries, options_map, config):
    """Split postings according to expenses (see module docstring for details).

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      config: The plugin configuration string.
      A list of entries, with potentially more accounts and potentially more
      postings with smaller amounts.

    # Validate and sanitize configuration.
    if isinstance(config, str):
        members = config.split()
    elif isinstance(config, (tuple, list)):
        members = config
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid plugin configuration: configuration for split_expenses "
                           "should be a string or a sequence.")

    acctypes = options.get_account_types(options_map)
    def is_expense_account(account):
        return account_types.get_account_type(account) == acctypes.expenses

    # A predicate to quickly identify if an account contains the name of a
    # member.
    is_individual_account = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, members))).search

    # Existing and previously unseen accounts.
    new_accounts = set()

    # Filter the entries and transform transactions.
    new_entries = []
    for entry in entries:
        if isinstance(entry, data.Transaction):
            new_postings = []
            for posting in entry.postings:
                if (is_expense_account(posting.account) and
                    not is_individual_account(posting.account)):

                    # Split this posting into multiple postings.
                    split_units = amount.Amount(posting.units.number / len(members),

                    for member in members:
                        # Mark the account as new if never seen before.
                        subaccount = account.join(posting.account, member)

                        # Ensure the modified postings are marked as
                        # automatically calculated, so that the resulting
                        # calculated amounts aren't used to affect inferred
                        # tolerances.
                        meta = posting.meta.copy() if posting.meta else {}
                        meta[interpolate.AUTOMATIC_META] = True

                        # Add a new posting for each member, to a new account
                        # with the name of this member.

            # Modify the entry in-place, replace its postings.
            entry = entry._replace(postings=new_postings)


    # Create Open directives for new subaccounts if necessary.
    oc_map = getters.get_account_open_close(entries)
    open_date = entries[0].date
    meta = data.new_metadata('<split_expenses>', 0)
    open_entries = []
    for new_account in new_accounts:
        if new_account not in oc_map:
            entry = data.Open(meta, open_date, new_account, None, None)

    return open_entries + new_entries, []


An example of tracking unpaid payables or receivables.

A user with lots of invoices to track may want to produce a report of pending or incomplete payables or receivables. Beancount does not by default offer such a dedicated feature, but it is easy to build one by using existing link attributes on transactions. This is an example on how to implement that with a plugin.

For example, assuming the user enters linked transactions like this:

2013-03-28 * "Bill for datacenter electricity"  ^invoice-27a30ab61191
  Expenses:Electricity                        450.82 USD

2013-04-15 * "Paying electricity company" ^invoice-27a30ab61191
  Assets:Checking                           -450.82 USD

Transactions are grouped by link ("invoice-27a30ab61191") and then the intersection of their common accounts is automatically calculated ("Liabilities:AccountsPayable"). We then add up the balance of all the postings for this account in this link group and check if the sum is zero. If there is a residual amount in this balance, we mark the associated entries as incomplete by inserting a #PENDING tag on them. The user can then use that tag to navigate to the corresponding view in the web interface, or just find the entries and produce a listing of them.

beancount.plugins.tag_pending.tag_pending_plugin(entries, options_map)

A plugin that finds and tags pending transactions.

  • entries – A list of entry instances.

  • options_map – A dict of options parsed from the file.

  • A tuple of entries and errors.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def tag_pending_plugin(entries, options_map):
    """A plugin that finds and tags pending transactions.

      entries: A list of entry instances.
      options_map: A dict of options parsed from the file.
      A tuple of entries and errors.
    return (tag_pending_transactions(entries, 'PENDING'), [])

beancount.plugins.tag_pending.tag_pending_transactions(entries, tag_name='PENDING')

Filter out incomplete linked transactions to a transfer account.

Given a list of entries, group the entries by their link and compute the balance of the intersection of their common accounts. If the balance does not sum to zero, insert a 'tag_name' tag in the entries.

  • entries – A list of directives/transactions to process.

  • tag_name – A string, the name of the tag to be inserted if a linked group of entries is found not to match

  • A modified set of entries, possibly tagged as pending.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def tag_pending_transactions(entries, tag_name='PENDING'):
    """Filter out incomplete linked transactions to a transfer account.

    Given a list of entries, group the entries by their link and compute the
    balance of the intersection of their common accounts. If the balance does
    not sum to zero, insert a 'tag_name' tag in the entries.

      entries: A list of directives/transactions to process.
      tag_name: A string, the name of the tag to be inserted if a linked group
        of entries is found not to match
      A modified set of entries, possibly tagged as pending.

    link_groups = basicops.group_entries_by_link(entries)

    pending_entry_ids = set()
    for link, link_entries in link_groups.items():
        assert link_entries
        if len(link_entries) == 1:
            # If a single entry is present, it is assumed incomplete.
            # Compute the sum total balance of the common accounts.
            common_accounts = basicops.get_common_accounts(link_entries)
            common_balance = inventory.Inventory()
            for entry in link_entries:
                for posting in entry.postings:
                    if posting.account in common_accounts:

            # Mark entries as pending if a residual balance is found.
            if not common_balance.is_empty():
                for entry in link_entries:

    # Insert tags if marked.
    return [(entry._replace(tags=(entry.tags or set()) | set((tag_name,)))
             if id(entry) in pending_entry_ids
             else entry)
            for entry in entries]


This module adds validation that there is a single price defined per date and base/quote currencies. If multiple conflicting price values are declared, an error is generated. Note that multiple price entries with the same number do not generate an error.

This is meant to be turned on if you want to use a very strict mode for entering prices, and may not be realistic usage. For example, if you have (1) a transaction with an implicitly generated price during the day (from its cost) and (2) a separate explicit price directive that declares a different price for the day's closing price, this would generate an error. I'm not certain this will be useful in the long run, so placing it in a plugin.

beancount.plugins.unique_prices.UniquePricesError (tuple)

UniquePricesError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.unique_prices.UniquePricesError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.unique_prices.UniquePricesError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of UniquePricesError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.unique_prices.UniquePricesError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.unique_prices.validate_unique_prices(entries, unused_options_map)

Check that there is only a single price per day for a particular base/quote.

  • entries – A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.

  • unused_options_map – A parser options dict.

  • The list of input entries, and a list of new UniquePricesError instances generated.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def validate_unique_prices(entries, unused_options_map):
    """Check that there is only a single price per day for a particular base/quote.

      entries: A list of directives. We're interested only in the Transaction instances.
      unused_options_map: A parser options dict.
      The list of input entries, and a list of new UniquePricesError instances generated.
    new_entries = []
    errors = []

    prices = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for entry in entries:
        if not isinstance(entry, data.Price):
        key = (, entry.currency, entry.amount.currency)

    errors = []
    for price_entries in prices.values():
        if len(price_entries) > 1:
            number_map = {price_entry.amount.number: price_entry
                          for price_entry in price_entries}
            if len(number_map) > 1:
                # Note: This should be a list of entries for better error
                # reporting. (Later.)
                error_entry = next(iter(number_map.values()))
                                      "Disagreeing price entries",

    return new_entries, errors


Compute unrealized gains.

The configuration for this plugin is a single string, the name of the subaccount to add to post the unrealized gains to, like this:

plugin "beancount.plugins.unrealized" "Unrealized"

If you don't specify a name for the subaccount (the configuration value is optional), by default it inserts the unrealized gains in the same account that is being adjusted.

beancount.plugins.unrealized.UnrealizedError (tuple)

UnrealizedError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.unrealized.UnrealizedError.__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

beancount.plugins.unrealized.UnrealizedError.__new__(_cls, source, message, entry) special staticmethod

Create new instance of UnrealizedError(source, message, entry)

beancount.plugins.unrealized.UnrealizedError.__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

beancount.plugins.unrealized.add_unrealized_gains(entries, options_map, subaccount=None)

Insert entries for unrealized capital gains.

This function inserts entries that represent unrealized gains, at the end of the available history. It returns a new list of entries, with the new gains inserted. It replaces the account type with an entry in an income account. Optionally, it can book the gain in a subaccount of the original and income accounts.

  • entries – A list of data directives.

  • options_map – A dict of options, that confirms to beancount.parser.options.

  • subaccount – A string, and optional the name of a subaccount to create under an account to book the unrealized gain. If this is left to its default value, the gain is booked directly in the same account.

  • A list of entries, which includes the new unrealized capital gains entries at the end, and a list of errors. The new list of entries is still sorted.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def add_unrealized_gains(entries, options_map, subaccount=None):
    """Insert entries for unrealized capital gains.

    This function inserts entries that represent unrealized gains, at the end of
    the available history. It returns a new list of entries, with the new gains
    inserted. It replaces the account type with an entry in an income account.
    Optionally, it can book the gain in a subaccount of the original and income

      entries: A list of data directives.
      options_map: A dict of options, that confirms to beancount.parser.options.
      subaccount: A string, and optional the name of a subaccount to create
        under an account to book the unrealized gain. If this is left to its
        default value, the gain is booked directly in the same account.
      A list of entries, which includes the new unrealized capital gains entries
      at the end, and a list of errors. The new list of entries is still sorted.
    errors = []
    meta = data.new_metadata('<unrealized_gains>', 0)

    account_types = options.get_account_types(options_map)

    # Assert the subaccount name is in valid format.
    if subaccount:
        validation_account = account.join(account_types.assets, subaccount)
        if not account.is_valid(validation_account):
                                "Invalid subaccount name: '{}'".format(subaccount),
            return entries, errors

    if not entries:
        return (entries, errors)

    # Group positions by (account, cost, cost_currency).
    price_map = prices.build_price_map(entries)
    holdings_list = holdings.get_final_holdings(entries, price_map=price_map)

    # Group positions by (account, cost, cost_currency).
    holdings_list = holdings.aggregate_holdings_by(
        holdings_list, lambda h: (h.account, h.currency, h.cost_currency))

    # Get the latest prices from the entries.
    price_map = prices.build_price_map(entries)

    # Create transactions to account for each position.
    new_entries = []
    latest_date = entries[-1].date
    for index, holding in enumerate(holdings_list):
        if (holding.currency == holding.cost_currency or
            holding.cost_currency is None):

        # Note: since we're only considering positions held at cost, the
        # transaction that created the position *must* have created at least one
        # price point for that commodity, so we never expect for a price not to
        # be available, which is reasonable.
        if holding.price_number is None:
            # An entry without a price might indicate that this is a holding
            # resulting from leaked cost basis. {0ed05c502e63, b/16}
            if holding.number:
                                    "A valid price for {h.currency}/{h.cost_currency} "
                                    "could not be found".format(h=holding), None))

        # Compute the PnL; if there is no profit or loss, we create a
        # corresponding entry anyway.
        pnl = holding.market_value - holding.book_value
        if holding.number == ZERO:
            # If the number of units sum to zero, the holdings should have been
            # zero.
                    "Number of units of {} in {} in holdings sum to zero "
                    "for account {} and should not".format(
                        holding.currency, holding.cost_currency, holding.account),

        # Compute the name of the accounts and add the requested subaccount name
        # if requested.
        asset_account = holding.account
        income_account = account.join(account_types.income,
        if subaccount:
            asset_account = account.join(asset_account, subaccount)
            income_account = account.join(income_account, subaccount)

        # Create a new transaction to account for this difference in gain.
        gain_loss_str = "gain" if pnl > ZERO else "loss"
        narration = ("Unrealized {} for {h.number} units of {h.currency} "
                     "(price: {h.price_number:.4f} {h.cost_currency} as of {h.price_date}, "
                     "average cost: {h.cost_number:.4f} {h.cost_currency})").format(
                         gain_loss_str, h=holding)
        entry = data.Transaction(data.new_metadata(meta["filename"], lineno=1000 + index),
                                 latest_date, flags.FLAG_UNREALIZED,
                                 None, narration, EMPTY_SET, EMPTY_SET, [])

        # Book this as income, converting the account name to be the same, but as income.
        # Note: this is a rather convenient but arbitrary choice--maybe it would be best to
        # let the user decide to what account to book it, but I don't a nice way to let the
        # user specify this.
        # Note: we never set a price because we don't want these to end up in Conversions.
                amount.Amount(pnl, holding.cost_currency),
                amount.Amount(-pnl, holding.cost_currency),


    # Ensure that the accounts we're going to use to book the postings exist, by
    # creating open entries for those that we generated that weren't already
    # existing accounts.
    new_accounts = {posting.account
                    for entry in new_entries
                    for posting in entry.postings}
    open_entries = getters.get_account_open_close(entries)
    new_open_entries = []
    for account_ in sorted(new_accounts):
        if account_ not in open_entries:
            meta = data.new_metadata(meta["filename"], index)
            open_entry = data.Open(meta, latest_date, account_, None, None)

    return (entries + new_open_entries + new_entries, errors)


Return entries automatically created for unrealized gains.

  • entries – A list of directives.

  • A list of directives, all of which are in the original list.

Source code in beancount/plugins/
def get_unrealized_entries(entries):
    """Return entries automatically created for unrealized gains.

      entries: A list of directives.
      A list of directives, all of which are in the original list.
    return [entry
            for entry in entries
            if (isinstance(entry, data.Transaction) and
                entry.flag == flags.FLAG_UNREALIZED)]